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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life & the New Journey

As you know, my journey into foster care has taken a very, very long detour. Letting go of the plan and the journey to live life where I am now was tough. I wrote previously about the mixed feelings of signing the forms to cancel my license. I'm not sure the full reason why. It's not like I even live in that state anymore. And, its not like I spent years fostering children in that state either. I did put many long hours and months working towards that license and preparing everything, but, alas, that season has come and gone. So, back to living life where I am now.

Due to my home remaining unsold (prayers welcome!), I have found myself in a new season. It is obvious that right now...and maybe for quite some time...I will not be able to foster. That journey is going to have to wait. So, when talking to God about my disappointment, He reminded me that just because I can't foster doesn't mean I can't make a difference for these kiddos.

After much thought, prayer, and some chats with friends I committed myself to lead a new small group at my church. A group focused on Orphan Care. The group was approved, I went to group leader training, and I was assigned a "coach" (all group leaders have coaches/mentors). I picked a book and started putting together a collection of ideas for what I imagined the group to do. I was pretty excited. Only one one showed up to the group meeting. This week will be Week #4 and I am still the only member of my group. But, its OK. My coach may need to continue to remind me of this fact, but it really is OK. I think it is a breakthrough for me and maybe even for the church. This is an incredibly important subject and one that every church should embrace fully. So its OK if no one has signed up for my group. Its only the beginning and God isn't done yet. A new vision of how to get people involved may have to be put into action, but it is only the beginning.

My coach and I have discussed that vision. One that creates opportunities for others to serve and make a difference in the lives of these kiddos without having to commit to a group & regular meetings. The more opportunities for involvement, the more awareness that will be created. And then maybe, just maybe, a core group will arise that would be able to become the Orphan Care group I had imagined. So, the prayer now is that I find the right opportunity, get the support needed to advertise it, and the volunteers to make it happen.

I have a project in mind that I'm currently researching a bit more as something to lead up long-term. It would basically be to locally collect & distribute new or gently used duffle bags, suitcases, backpacks, and small plastic tubs for kids in foster care. As you may or may not know, the kids are, more often that not, only given a trash bag to move their belongings. Their whole world is being ripped apart and we can't give them more than trash bags?! They deserve more! I have looked into becoming involved with large organizations that do this. One, Together We Rise, is based in California and do awesome work! But I really would like to be a small, local access point. The gear would be distributed directly to foster families and maybe to agencies to give to their families. I've also considered the need for distribution at local agencies that help women who have been rescued from sex trafficking. As I have learned more about the scope of orphan care, this is an issue that my eyes have been opened to widely. And, recently I was able to spend an entire evening learning about sex trafficking. I would encourage each of you to learn more about the slavery that is occurring in our own communities. Anyway, this project may never come to be, but its what is on my mind right now. I've started communicating with a local lady in order to get a better vibe of the local need and what has or hasn't worked for her as she has done some small scale collection/distribution. So, prayers for this idea as well.

I have shared a lot tonight, but it has been some time since I last posted. And, if there are any errors in this - I am definitely blaming it on this stupid sickness that just won't go away. I literally haven't left the house in 5 days! Tomorrow I hope to change that despite the fact that I'm still not "well." At least there is improvement, so I'm hoping I can trick my body into thinking it is well if I just get up and try to live a normal day. Good luck to me!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

On Hold

This month marks one year of being a licensed Foster Care Parent in my state. This past year has turned out nothing at all like I expected. I expected a year filled with kids and a journey of new trials and joys. Instead, my foster care journey this past year consisted of one respite call that I was unable to take and two routine home visits by my case worker. It was filled with reassurances that the need for respite care was deep, yet never did I provide respite. 

In October, as I've written about previously, I came to the conclusion that my time here is through. I will be moving back to my home state to be closer to family, friends, and the support needed to foster and/or adopt as a single parent. The house went up for sale and the job search intensified. However, I remained on the call list for respite. I was losing hope I would get a call, but still was dreaming the dream. Six months later, I'm still here. The house is still for sale, the job hunt continues, and my life remains to be on hold.

Last week I had my second routine home visit by my case worker. It was in thinking about her coming that I made another decision. I haven't received a placement in a full year. I am trying to move to another state. Letting go of this dream for a moment will allow me to not hope and worry about a possible last-minute placement in the midst of everything else. It's difficult to let this go. I almost feel a little guilty. But, at the same time, I feel that my child isn't here. My place isn't here. So, after discussing with my case workers, I have been placed "On Hold" with the agency as well. This is an official status. I will still be licensed, still allowed/encouraged to complete educational training, and still be subject to routine home visits. I will not, however, be called for any respite or full-time placements. If, for some reason, I do end up staying and want to reopen my home I will simply call them and let them know. I will be back on the list in no time.

Letting go is hard. This transition is hard. The waiting is hard. Life on hold is hard. But, there is still this glimmer of hope for what my future will look like once I make it through this part of the journey. So, please pray with me. Pray that my home sells soon, that just the right job/career will come along, and that the transition will go smoothly. I know God has a plan and I'm trying my best to be patient and trust him. I can't wait to share the miracles He will perform!

Monday, March 10, 2014


I could not pass on sharing this video. It shows foster care through the eyes of a child. And, it's heartbreaking. I cannot wait until God has deemed the time right for me to truly make a difference in a child's life.

I'm not sure how to include a video that isn't from youtube, so please just follow this link to watch:

After you watch, please be take a moment to think about and pray for the thousands of children who have to call this life. Pray that they will know that it is not their fault. Pray that will come to know they are worthy of being cared for - that they are loveable. And pray that they will find their way, as safely as possible, to a new home, a new life that shines the brightest kind of light on those truths.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Test Results

Thanks to everyone who communicated with me regarding the email forwarding test! I learned two things through the test.

  1. The email forwarding system does appear to still be working properly! Yay!
  2. Many of you responded to my test by simply hitting Reply on the email you received.Unfortunately, these never made it to me.

The system that forwards my blog posts to you via email is ONLY a forwarding system. If you reply to that email it goes to a "noreply" email which means that it goes into a black hole of nothingness. It does NOT come to me. So, if you replied to the test by replying to that email (or any previous posts for that matter) I did not receive them. 

For future reference, if you would like to comment or communicate with me regarding anything I post, there are a few options.

You can:
  • Click on the link provided in the email that takes you directly to the blog. You can then leave a comment on the blog there.
  • Send me an email to my personal account.
  • Contact me on Facebook
  • Text or Call
Now that we all know how the forwarding system works, maybe we can communicate better!

Thanks again! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



There is a question about if the forwarding system is working for those who have signed up to receive new posts by email. So, I'm doing a post to test if it is working or not.

If you got this post by email, please leave a comment or let me know via FB, email, etc.

Thank You!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A New Year

It is that time of year again! Somehow the months have passed in a blink of an eye and Christmas, too, has come and gone before I knew it. I was able to make a brief trip home to see family and (aside from being sick these past couple of weeks) had a good holiday. I hope that you and your family also had a very Merry Christmas! But, as I was saying...time has passed so quickly and it is already the end of the year. Time to reflect on this past year and celebrate the coming of a new one is upon us. As talk of yearly recaps and new resolutions begin to bounce around conversation, the subject naturally has begun to float in my head as well.

This year did not prove to turn out as I expected. This is nothing new in my life, but I had such an excitement for the journey I thought was before me. The year started out with the first steps in my foster care journey. I was fingerprinted, cleared a background check, and passed a home study. Then I moved on to my official foster parent training. I progressed through weeks of classes learning all about what it means to welcome one of these little ones into your home and life. I was more motivated than ever to continue to walk down this path. By April I was officially licensed by my state as a foster parent. But, during training I realized that to properly care for any child placed with me, I would need to have a little larger stock of vacation days at work. Due to surgeries and injury in the previous two years, I had very little time available. I prayed about it, talked to friends, and to my case worker. We decided that Respite would be a good option. I was told there was a great need for weekend respite for other foster parents, but in the months since I have received only one call. And, unfortunately I was unable to accept that placement.

About a month ago my case worker visited for her routine home check. We discussed the lack of calls for respite and I asked if there was anything I was doing wrong. Did I come across too picky? Did I miss something in my training or house preparations? Am I just an unfit parent? I had become quite discouraged and wanted to know if it was just me or something that I could change. She assured me that it wasn't me at all. She thought I would be a good foster parent, but that circumstances had just not come together for a fitting placement. Many of the children who needed respite were finding that with other foster parents they had connected with on their own. And, while there were a lot of disruptions occurring lately, long-term placements were required for them. I shared some of my personal thoughts on the future with her and we discussed how this affected my situation. She was very positive and encouraging on every point of our conversation. This made me very thankful and encouraged that I just might be headed in the right direction.

So, what direction is that? That direction is one that I did not expect to be seeing any time soon. It is something that I have prayed over, worried about, discussed, and thought about for many many months. I've had sleepless nights, moments of panic, excitement, and fear. I have questioned my sanity and my faith. But, after all of that, I keep coming up with the same answer. After almost eight years in my current location, it is time to move on. Despite having a good job with great people. Despite having a lovely home. Despite finally making the decision to foster/adopt and earn my license. Despite everything, it is time to move on. And so I will be moving back "home," near my family and some friends. My home is on the market and the job search has been in full gear for some time now. I have no idea when I will move. That decision will be made by either the selling of my home or the acquisition of a new job. There is a chance I would move prior to either of those two things occurring, but that is something that would take even more prayer, thought, and faith. Right now the plan is that when I sell my home or get a new job, I will provide my two weeks notice at work and move. As I mentioned, this is a very scary and unexpected turn in my life so I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers as I try to find a new job and buyers for my house.

A few of you know about this decision as I have confided in you over the past few months. And, one question I've heard and that I'm sure all of you are now asking is, "what about all of your foster care stuff?" To be clear, I have by no means felt any disconnection from my calling (if you want to call it that) to foster and/or adopt one day. I am disappointed that this year didn't turn out as I expected. But, my desire to foster and adopt is the prime reason that I have decided to move. It first began whispering in my head during training. Over the months, the voice became louder until I finally began to listen and consider what it had to say. Becoming a single parent by choice is a tough decision. And, I have no family or real working support system where I currently live. So, I would be doing it completely alone. Aside from that, I want to be able to provide my child with a real family. I want to be able to offer them real time with grandparents, an uncle, cousins, and friends. I want them to experience the feeling that there isn't just one person that cares for them, but a large crazy bunch of people. I want them to know that if I fall ill or have an emergency that they won't be shipped off or left alone - even for a few days. They will have family. They will have people to surround them to celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, and holidays. I want them to have all the blessings and more that I had growing up.

While my journey to fostering and adopting may be taking a detour, the journey is not over. Once back in my home state, I will need to get settled in a proper home (another huge prayer request) and will then be able to connect with an agency for re-licensing. Each state has their own licensing and training requirements. You are licensed only by and for your single state. So, yes, I will have to re-do this part of the process.  I have already become connected with a local social group of foster parents in my new state that has given me insight on what agencies might best work for me.  As I mentioned earlier, I discussed my future with my case worker. She assured me that she will do anything she can to help me get through that process as quickly as possible. She told me to provide my new agency with her information, so that they may contact her. Having that support was encouraging and made me think that this lady really cares about getting kids in safe homes, no matter where they live.

SO, this year may have passed without all of the adventures I expected. But, I guess you can say I went on a whole different kind of journey within myself. I learned some things about what I want, need, and can offer as a potential single foster parent. I grew in my knowledge of that world and the challenges that will come with it. I worked through excitement, fear, and discouragement along the way. And, I also believe that I grew in my faith and relationship with Christ. Moving forward without any of these would be impossible, so I guess that just mean I am now more prepared for the journey.

I want to offer a huge thank you to each and every one of you who have supported me this year. You have sent words of encouragement, volunteered your time, donated to my sale, and offered up your thoughts and prayers. I appreciate every one! I could not have made it this far without you. And please, do not feel that any of  your efforts are now in vain because I am moving. I have gained a world of knowledge and have acquired all of the items necessary for a child's bedroom - including a small collection of clothes, toys, books, and personal care products. Once settled and re-licensed, I will have what I need to continue on the journey. So, thank you!

I have waited quite some time to make this decision public, but realized that I need all the prayer and support I can get during this time. So, if you are willing to say yet another prayer for me and my journey there are a couple of specifics you can pray over. First, pray that I can find a new job soon. I have been looking for a while with little to no response. I think it is partly due to the fact that I still live in a different state. Second, pray that I can sell my house soon. The competition is great as there is a huge number of homes for sale within my city. But, I know that God can lead the right people at the right time to this place. Pray the house will sell soon and at a price that doesn't leave me in the hole. Third, that I will be able to find a new home perfect for me, my fur babies, and for my future child. Finally, that the entire process will be as peaceful and smooth as possible. There are certainly difficult times that could come during this transition so please pray that I will have the wisdom to know what to do when and trust God's hand throughout it all.

Thank you again for your support! I will do my best to keep you updated during this time of transition and look forward to sharing the joys of the new year with you all!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Update & Training

Hello, All! Seems like forever since I have posted. Life has been a bit crazy as of late, but unfortunately that craziness does not stem from an abundance of kiddos in and out of my home. In fact, I have yet to receive that call. It has been discouraging, but also helpful in some big decisions I was weighing. (I hope to be able to share some of that story with you in the not so distant future.)

So, after succumbing to the discouragement and confusion on what to do next I decided that now is a great opportunity to continue my training. As a foster parent you are required to continue your training and complete a certain number of hours to retain and relicense. So, I'm getting all of those hours out of the way.

First up and starting tomorrow, is a 15-hour course on Caring for Children that have Experience Trauma. It is an in-depth look at the subject we only had time to briefly cover in our original training. I'm excited about this course as I think it will be a huge help as I move forward. The subject matter is obviously tough, but I'm looking forward to learning some new tools and seeing things more from the perspective of a child in this really hard situation. This class will be all day (9:30-4:30) for the next two Saturdays and then only a half day on the third Saturday. I will be sure to post another update soon on what I'm learning in that class!

After that I have registered for the required course, Educational Advocacy. This course teaches you everything you need to know about identifying any education needs your child may have and helping them to connect with any resources that can assist them. Due to trauma, multiple changes in school, etc, most foster children fall behind in school. There are resources available, but they aren't always advertised or easily obtained. This class is supposed to teach you how to best support your child's educational journey. That will be a one day course in October.

Well, that is really all I have to update you on for now. Thank you for your continued support!


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